In places there is hope , there is no life

Hope is an important humanitarian value for a dynamic life,Keep your heart remains true , and faith will light brightly lit**

There are no people who are too small for the love of God.

Happiness is to have a hand to hold , to find the heart to be healed , and depending on tomorrow Dengah love.

Do not allow yourselves to be sunk by a sense of disappointment due to failure

There is no greater enemy in our spiritual growth except vanity , and nothing is more encouraging spiritual growth except humility.

Everything will be the best.

Uninvited masaah will keep coming . The important thing is not a problem when it will come , but if we are going to deal with it wisely.

Learning to budge is the first step to becoming a winner.

Do not take into account the price we have to pay if we pray , because God has paid a very high price so that we can pray...



Berikut kutipan beberapa kata mutiara tentang Sukses yang saya dapatkan dari kalender yang terpasang di dinding rumah saya :
“Success is not reached by chance, It is reached by choice”
Success bukanlah dicapai karena suatu kebetulan. Itu dicapai karena suatu pilihan.

“Watch your habits, for they become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny”
Perhatikan kebiasaanmu, karena itu akan menjadi karaktermu. Bangunlah karaktermu, karena itu akan menentukan masa depanmu
“Recognize that life is in constant motion and every change happens for a reason. When you see boundaries as opportunity, the world becomes a limitless place”

Sadari bahwa kehidupan selalu bergerak, dan setiap perubahan terjadi atas suatu alasan. Waktu anda melihat batasan sebagai kesempatan, dunia akan menjadi tempat bebas hambatan.
“Climb any mountain and believe without a doubt that you will succeed. This is the power of the human spirit”

Dakilah gunung dan sepenuhnya percaya bahwa kamu akan sukses. Ini adalah kekuatan spiritual.
“Pioneers blaze their paths where highways never run”
Berani mengambil langkah setapak untuk akhirnya berlari bebas.
The currents that determine our dreams and shape our lives flow from the attitudes we nurture every day”
Arus penentu impian dan pembentuk kehidupan mengalir dari pola berpikir yang dibina setiap hari.
Kata-kata mutiara atau motivasi yang keren menurut saya. Bagaimana menurut Anda??